Undercover lawsuit

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A Hamilton police officer currently under suspension is making explosive allegations against the force. They are contained in a $6.75 million lawsuit filed by Paul Manning against the police service, its board, and the OPP.
In a 65 page court document obtained by CHCH news today, Manning alleges gross misconduct by high ranking police officials. Among the many accusations, the former undercover officer claims his superiors purposely compromised his undercover operation. None of the claims has been proven in court yet.
Paul Manning makes a number of damning allegations against Hamilton police officials in his lawsuit claiming they failed to protect him when he was working undercover and that a high ranking police colleague revealed his true identity to a Hamilton crime family.
In the court documents, Manning describes how he was attacked one night by four men while undercover. Mr. Thomas Riordan said directly to Mr. Manning, “hey cop”, before without warning all four males simultaneously began to assault Mr. Manning. Mr. Manning fought back and retreated to his undercover apartment.
Manning claims he called his “handler” after the attack and was told a police cruiser was outside waiting for him. He alleges when he went outside, the same four guys attacked him again, this time with knives as an unmarked police vehicle drove by.
Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger wouldn’t comment on the allegations, but the police services board chair, Lloyd Ferguson did, “by law I’m not permitted to talk about any cases before the court. The board did receive a statement of claim, and instructed our lawyers to vigorously defend it.”
In the court documents, Manning explains the depression and nightmares he’s struggled with since working undercover. He details on at least two occassions, while alone in a parked cruiser, he put his service firearm in his mouth with intent to end his life. On August 9th, Manning purposely drove a police cruiser into a pole.
Paul Manning wouldn’t speak on camera today, he said he was in Toronto seeking legal advice from a friend. He and his wife Sabina will be representing themselves in court and expect to make their first appearance tomorrow morning.