Rose garden in full bloom at Royal Botanical Gardens

Residents are encouraged to get out and enjoy the roses as they hit peak bloom at the Royal Botanical Gardens.
The Rose Garden is located in Royal Botanical Gardens’ Hendrie Park and contains over 3,400 individual roses.
There are more than 300 different cultivated varieties of roses growing alongside companion plants such as dill, phlox, coneflower, yarrow, lavender and more.
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The garden was opened in 2018 and boasts a modern and environmentally conscious approach to growing roses, with a foundation of disease-resistant and cold-hardy plants.
The RBG’s previous Centennial Rose Garden faced significant challenges in its final years, suffering partially due to the cosmetic pesticide ban in 2009.
The whole garden was vulnerable to detrimental insects, and also struggled with diseases such as black spot, a fungal disease that has contributed to the declining popularity of rose-growing in recent decades.
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Disease-prone roses grew in the shadow of large shade trees and curators could no longer maintain the 50 year old garden.
The new garden is pushing the idea of sustainability to ensure that generations to come can enjoy the beauty of roses.