3 speed cameras across Niagara Region vandalized over weekend

Someone went out of their way to cut down three speed cameras across part of the Niagara Region over the weekend.
Niagara Region says they are aware of at least three automated pole-mounted speed cameras that were vandalized in Lincoln and Smithville.
In each instance, someone used a grinder to cut through the metal support beam and then smash the device’s lens.
One of the cameras was located near Twenty Valley Public School in Vineland.
Another was found toppled over in West Lincoln, near John Calvin School and a third was discovered near the Smithville District Christian High School.
It’s unclear exactly what time this happened over the weekend or how many people were involved. A regional spokesperson told CHCH News that local authorities have been informed and are investigating.
The images of the toppled speed cameras quickly made their rounds through several prominent neighbourhood watch groups and was met with mixed reaction.
One common misconception held by many was who pays for the damages.
“Managing damage from vandalism to the automated speed enforcement equipment is the responsibility of the vendor and related costs are included as part of the contract the Region has with the vendor,” said Scott Fraser, Niagara Region’s associate director transportation planning.
“There is currently no confirmed timeline for repairs but it is expected the vendor will begin the repair work to replace the poles will take place in the near future.”
The region went on to say that the vendor had been notified and that they would be visiting the vandalism sites to assess the damage and remove any broken equipment.
The automated speed cameras have been in place since late 2023 and have been rotating through Niagara’s 13 community safety zones.
The enforced speeds in the community safety zones fluctuate between 40 km/h and 50 km/h, depending on the time of day.
Niagara Region says there’s no confirmed timeline for repairs, but the poles are expected to be replaced.
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