good shepherd centre

Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday, a day where charities ask people to make…

Coworkers at Hamilton’s Good Shepherd Centre win $1M jackpot
A group of coworkers in Hamilton experienced beginner’s luck firsthand…

Thanksgiving for all
A home cooked Thanksgiving dinner was served up Monday to…

Coldest Night of the Year walk
[projekktor id=’17758′] Volunteers gathered in Ancaster on Sunday afternoon…

Thanksgiving at Good Shepherd
(Updated) Hope you’ve all enjoyed your Thanksgiving weekend. Of course…

Christmas hamper program
The Good Shepherd Centre celebrated the opening of it’s…

Good Shepherd Dinner
Hamilton’s Good Shepherd Centre hosted its annual Thanksgiving dinner Monday.…

Not a typical graduation
It’s grad season in the region. That means thousands of…
It’s been 50 years since the little brothers of Good…
Hamilton bed bugs should beware… Good Shepherd Works — a…