Warm weather

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The sun was shining and the mercury hit double digits above zero again today. It definitely didn’t feel like December and while winter is still officially a couple of weeks off , compared to this time last year, conditions are a lot different.

You definitely didn’t need a winter coat today. A lot of people were outside enjoying this weather and many were quite happy that they haven’t had to shovel any sidewalks or driveways yet this year

Looking outside at the sun shining, the green grass, and people exercising and enjoying the weather in shorts and tank tops, it’s hard to imagine that Christmas is just over two weeks away.

Last year at this time people had already been skating, skiing, and tobogganing

We had already had a few major snow falls. About 24 centimetres worth.

Highways and roads were snow covered and plows and salt trucks were busy. But this year all these snow plows are still parked in the garage waiting, and all the road salt is piled high at the Public Works yard.

Home Hardware’s shelves are stocked with salt, snow brushes, shovels, and snow blowers.

“We have actually sold quite a few snow blowers, and shovels are on the go right now in Canada, We kind of expect that even though we don’t have snow we are going to probably pay for it eventually, so people are still getting prepared.”

But right next to those shovels you can still find a few rakes.

“Until the weather actually changes there are a lot of people that don’t actually get their raking done.”

One person did buy a snow shovel today, but only because it was on sale.

And while shovels and salt aren’t flying off the shelves like they were this time last year, Christmas lights are.

But come Christmas day dreams of a white Christmas may be just dreams.