Today marks World Suicide Prevention Day

Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer says Canadians are reporting increased mental health needs amid COVID-19.
This comes as the world marks World Suicide Prevention Day.
“The need to be together, while apart, has never been stronger,” said Dr. Theresa Tam in a statement.
“Now more than ever, we need to support one another by reaching out to our friends, family, neighbours, and community members. A text, email, letter or phone call can be a lifeline to someone who is struggling.”
The Hamilton sign will be lit orange to honour those who have been affected by suicide and to help decrease the stigma.
Join us @MSAmohawk @HamHealthSci! Share your messages of hope w/ #HamOnt TODAY for World Suicide Prevention Day to be a part of our community photo mosaic! 1) Write a msg of hope 2) Take a selfie (horizontal) w/ your msg & submit using our form: #WSPD2020
— St. Joe’s Hamilton (@STJOESHAMILTON) September 10, 2020
Meanwhile, Niagara Region is encouraging people to share messages of hope using #WSPD2020 and #WSPDNiagara2020.
CAMH has released a new video entitled “Not Suicide. Not today.”
Help Lines:
Coast Crisis Line: 905-972-8338
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868