Tenant’s protest poor living conditions
Tenants of an East Hamilton apartment say they’re fed up with their poor living conditions and even worse co-operation from their landlord.
Ted Reid is a retired teacher who keeps his apartment in good shape but there are some things, like cold water, that he has no control over. He is one of many residents rallying outside the Highlander Apartments off Parkdale due to their current living conditions.
Residents claim that their complaints have fallen on deaf ears which has forced many to figure out their own solutions. Many people here are living on about $14-hundred a month from the Government. With rent around $650, moving isn’t an option.
Tenants say they received a letter from the landlord, Harold Keen that blames the building’s condition on a previous superintendent. The letter also says the person behind the rally is solely driven by “her desire for some kind of fame as per being on TV”
Last summer Acorn, an anti poverty group, fronted another rally outside two apartments along Wentworth Street North. Units were deteriorating and covered in bugs and rodent feces.
Soon after that report aired on CHCH, many changes were done to the apartment: The windows were replaced with new ones and the bug infestation was wiped out. Issues would be addressed annually if there was a city-wide rental licence, which is what the people at Acorn are trying to get done.
In February, city council stated that they’ll continue to pursue licences, but offered other ideas including free inspections.