The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

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In the Secret Life of Walter Mitty Ben Stiller stars as the title character, a mild mannered man who’s known to zone off into the more exciting world of his thrilling day dreams. With the threat of losing his job, and never getting the girl looming over him Walter must summon the courage to become the adventurous hero he’s always dreamed of and save the day.

Based on the 1938 short story by James Thurber this is the second adaptation of Mitty. The first was in 1947 which starred Danny Kane as a young daydreamer and the film was only loosely based on the original text.  A modernized telling of the story has been in the works for some time – both Ron Howard and Stephen Speilberg were eyeing the project, but ultimatly it went to Stiller who not only stars as Mitty but also directs.

Kristin Wiig, Sean Penn, Shirley McLaine, Patton Oswalt and Adam Scott costar. You can check out a clip of Oswalt and Stiller in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty here.

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