Permanent injunction granted to developer of disputed project in Caledonia

A Superior Court justice ruled in favour Tuesday of a real estate developer regarding a controversial piece of land in Caledonia, Ont.
Superior Court Justice Paul Sweeney issued a permanent injunction to Foxgate Developments, the company that bought the land in Caledonia in 2015 and planned to build 218 homes on it.
Since 2020, Haudenosaunee land defenders have set up camp on the site known as 1492 Land Back Lane.
READ MORE: 1492 Land Back Lane returns to court, housing developer seeks permanent injunction
Skyler Williams, a spokesperson for the protesters, said in a news release Wednesday they will not leave the site and will appeal the decision.
“Our people will continue to live peacefully at 1492 Land Back Lane,” Williams said.
“Any disruption to peace here will be brought on by the courts, developers, and police, which we will absolutely defend ourselves from.”
READ MORE: Solidarity demonstration shuts down Highway 6 bypass in Caledonia
The group argues that the land is on unceded Haudenosaunee territory.
Their blockades and settlement led to several interactions with police and at least 50 arrests.
“Canada’s colonial legal system is fundamentally designed for this purpose: to deny our inherent connection to our lands, to dispossess us in order to extract resources and develop our territory without our consent,” Williams said.
Court documents say Foxgate Developments “has gone above and beyond the applicable regulatory framework” to negotiate a deal with Six Nations of the Grand River’s elected council.
READ MORE: McKenzie Meadows development cancelled amid land dispute