CAMH puts out suicide study

Some shocking figures are out today about suicide. Canada’s largest mental health and addiction research centre says more than 230-thousand people in Ontario seriously contemplated killing themselves last year. And more people are struggling with mental health issues.
The survey found people aged 18-29 had the largest increase in mental health issues. But staff here at McMaster University’s Wellness Centre say they’re not surprised.
Debbie Nifakis, McMaster Counselling Director: “We’ve been noticing these increases for years now.”
There’s a lot to feel stressed and anxious about when you’re a student.
“I have an exam on Friday I have an exam Saturday and had a bunch of assignments due this week.”
And staff at the Wellness Centre at McMaster University are busy says Nifakis: “We have people lined up waiting to come in. Anxiety and stress are the number one concerns that people come in with.”
A survey done by Canada’s largest mental health and addiction research centre says more people are struggling with poor mental health.
The increase is especially evident among those aged 18 to 29, rising from about three per cent in 2009 to 12 per cent in 2013
Debra Earl, nurse: “Although the numbers seem very high it’s not that surprising to us.”
The staff here at Mac’s mental health and wellness centre say they’ve seen an increase in the number of students coming to look for help and counselling over the last few years. 15% of those people screen have thoughts about suicide.
Nifakis: “That’s pretty high. It is concerning in the sense that it’s probably higher than its been.”
The difference is people are now more willing to talk about it. At the wellness lounge, students can share how they cope with stress.
Everyone has their own ways of coping with stress. Like working out at least three times a week, breathing exercises and playing piano. They can also talk to counselors individually or as a group.
Nifakis: “We have a lot of group programs that help in terms of learning the strategies and skills for managing anxiety and depression.”
Strategies like these:
“Hanging out with friends, trying to get your mind off it.”
“I like to work out and get into the gym.”
Staff here say about 12 percent of Mac student have come in to use the services of the wellness centre.
This time of year is especially busy because exams start tomorrow.