Air Transat helps kids meet Santa

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Christmas Eve is just over two weeks from tonight, and if the time seems short to you imagine how much more rushed and challenging it would be, if your kids were seriously sick.
Illness will be the Grinch that might steal Christmas from many of them, but this morning Scot Urquhart joined 100 kids for whom the Grinch has been banished. At least for one day.
Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot. But the Grumpy old Grinch, well The Grinch did not.
For Lynn Hampson of Hamilton, the Grinch has been doubly cruel. Both Logan, eight, and four year old Alyson are liver transplant patients.
Still the Grinch knew the kids would love Santa’s toys and then when they got them, oh the noise noise noise!
Harumph said the Grinch with his Grinch fingers drumming. There must be some way to keep Christmas from coming.
But then came a sound from out of the clouds, that started quite low, but soon grew quite loud.
The Grinch hadn’t stopped Christmas! It came!
Somehow or other, it came just the same.
And what happened next, some people say, was the Grinch’s heart grew 3 sizes that day.
It grew in a dream that no sickness could squish, a dream from Air Transat and of course Children’s Wish.