SISO fraud trial begins

Two former executives of an organization meant to help newcomers settle into life in Hamilton go on trial for fraud today.
Morteza Jafarpour was the head of SISO (Settlement and Integration Services Organization) until it went bankrupt in 2011. He and SISO’s former financial controller Ahmed Salama are charged with defrauding the federal government out of $4 million, and of using forged documents.
In its time SISO was the biggest organization of its kind in Hamilton, helping about 400 refugees and 8,000 immigrants access resources every year.
SISO’s funding rose from about $3 million a year in 2006 to $13 million in 2010 – 80 per cent of it coming from the federal government. An audit found at least $1.6 million in questionable claims.
Another accused in this case, Nese Burgaz, pleaded guilty in May to stealing at least $160,000; money the court found went to private school for her kids, a backyard pool and to support her husband’s company.
CHCH’s Scot Urquhart is at John Sopinka following this story today; he reports jury selection has just begun.