PM Harper at G7 talks in Germany

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Prime Minister Harper took part in the G7 leaders’ shortened talks on climate change today as their summit entered its second and final day.

Yesterday the Prime Minister used the opening session of the summit to push European leaders to ratify the comprehensive Canada-EU free trade agreement. Ratifying it would be a major political win for Harper ahead of the federal election that’s expected October 19th.

Ukraine, and the Greek financial bailout also top the agenda at the G7 summit in Germany.

Meanwhile the NDP is calling for the Prime Minister to raise the issue of an apology from the Roman Catholic Church when the PM visits with Pope Francis following the G7 summit.

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair says Harper should use the opportunity to seek a formal apology for survivors of Canada’s residential schools. The Roman Catholic Church ran some of the schools during the last century.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission said the pontiff is the “spiritual and moral leader” of the church and residential school survivors are disappointed that he has not yet made an apology.

Aboriginal Affairs Minister Bernard Valcourt’s office says he has written to the Vatican about last week’s report by the commission.