NASA Perseverance rover expected to land on Mars on Thursday

NASA’S most sophisticated rover is expected to land on the surface of Mars this week.
The Perseverance rover has been travelling through space since the end of July.
The rover has to go through the infamous seven minutes of terror, where it lands on Mars without help or intervention from NASA teams on Earth.
If all goes according to plan, cameras and microphones on the spacecraft will show the rover’s perspective.
Perseverance is on a two-year mission to search for signs of life and study the planet’s climate and geology.
In just 3 days, our @NASAPersevere rover lands on Mars, where it will explore Jezero Crater, search for signs of ancient microbial life, & collect samples for future missions.
Watch live #CountdownToMars coverage from @NASAJPL on Feb. 18 at 2:15pm ET:
— NASA (@NASA) February 15, 2021
This will be NASA’s ninth landing on Mars.