‘Hate-motivated’ messages left on cars, businesses and Burlington City Hall

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Halton police are hoping the public can help identify two people captured on surveillance cameras after a number of “hate-motivated messages” were left throughout Burlington.

Police launched an investigation on May 21 after a racist note was found on a private vehicle near Dundas St. and Guelph Line. Two days later, an anti-Semitic poster was put up on a traffic post in the city.

On May 26, a third incident was reported after hate propaganda was placed on a number of vehicles parked in a church parking lot near Mainway and Walkers Line.

Just four days later, a resident reported to police that an anti-Semitic message was written on their vehicle in marker.

The most recent incidents happened over the weekend and involved posters with anti-Semitic imagery being placed on the front doors of Burlington City Hall and the Burlington Art Gallery.

The Halton Regional Police Service says it condemns any and all incidents that impact or erode the community’s sense of safety and well-being. They say police are investigating the incidents as hate crimes that willfully promote hatred.

“Hate crime has no place in any community, and I am confident that the persons responsible behind these ignorant, cowardly and hateful acts will be quickly identified with the public’s assistance. No one has the right to make another person feel fearful because of the colour of their skin, race, religion, ethnic origin or any other factor,” said Deputy Chief Nishan Duraiappah. “The Halton Regional Police Service is committed to fully investigating these crimes and ensuring those responsible are brought to justice.”

Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward condemned the acts in a statement issued Wednesday morning. “Hate absolutely has no place anywhere in our city. Burlington is a place that embraces and celebrates diversity, acceptance and respect,” said Ward.

Anyone with information is asked to contact investigators at 905-825-4777, ext. 2315 or 2316.