Cold front arrives in Southern Ontario

It looks like we won’t reach the highs of fifteen degrees we were enjoying Tuesday for quite some time. But some people don’t mind the frigid temperatures. In fact, some welcome it.
Folks outside The Running Room on Main Street West are getting ready for their weekly 6pm run. It lasts all year round, regardless of temperatures. And they’re not the only ones. The beaches may not be packed, but there are people who thrive in this weather.
In less than 24 hours, the temperature in Southern Ontario dropped like a stone. Making it clear that, just as Ned Stark said: “Winter is coming.”
With outdoor rinks and ski-hills closed until next month, you’ll still run into a special breed of people who love being active, regardless of how cold it may be.
“I actually enjoy the brisk air, it feels good when you’re running”
“When you’re running, you get hot and as it gets colder we start wearing our jackets and still come out.”
with a championship on the line, these high school football players had no choice but to go out in the cold, and according to their coach they’re looking forward to it
Saltfleet S.S. Coach Lino Scocchia: “They’ll take any weather to play football, our guys love football, rain, snow, sleet.”
While there is no trophy, some landscapers we came upon feel being outside is the reward.
Austin: “When you get paid to be working outside in this beautiful country, everything’s okay.”
That man’s chipper attitude isn’t just a frame of mind. Being active outside in the cold seems to fend off something experts call seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Steve Lidstone: “When winter comes on, time change, less sunlight, less exposure to it at least. And the benefits of being active outside increases your serotonin levels and fights depression or just feeling anxious.”
You don’t have to be Mister Olympia to appreciate the colder temperatures. You can still take it all in while drinking a warm beverage.
“I’ve got my coffee and I do everything that I can to keep my hands warm in the winter time.”
“Hot apple cider, smile on my face, a good toque. Hamilton boy at heart so we’re used to the snow.”
No snow yet. But when it does arrive, don’t expect this guy to change his winter wardrobe
“Shorts are more comfortable. I’m inside for 70% of the day, might as well be comfortable in there. It’s more comfortable. I get hot in pants.”
Ron has been running in the cold for 40 years: What I love about the cold is that in the summertime, you have to slow down when it gets hot. But in the wintertime, you never have to slow down from the heat.
Finally, the U.S. Military says that for long distances, their ideal temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius.