Canadians and infidelity study

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A recent study shows that Canadians really aren’t all that bad when it comes to infidelity. It says 10% of Canadians have cheated on their spouse, and the study finds men cheat more than women.

On the heels of the Ashley Madison hack it’s probably no surpise that a new poll says that 22 percent of Canadians have at least thought about cheating on their spouse, and 10% have actually cheated. Marriage and family therapist Julianne Maslabbey says people cheat for many reasons. “Life is very busy, people are stressed they’re just not really having the time to spend to water and fertilize their own relationships.” She says values have changed. “Its a throw away society. If something’s not working just chuck.”

She sees 5 clients a week recovering from an affair. The study finds more men cheat than women. “Women are often focused on their children and their needs…maybe a little bit more men are a little bit more risk takers.” She also says that she doesn’t think cheaters will stop or that the problem will get any better. In fact she thinks it’ll get worse because the trend is that marriage isn’t forever, and not many people consider it to be a lifelong commitment anymore.