2nd anniversary of Marley Rowe murder and still no answers

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It was a New Years Eve party that ended with a murder. Marley Rowe was killed in the early hours of 2014 and as we approach the second anniversary of his death, police and his mother are still looking for witnesses to come forward.

“It rips your heart out, how people seem to not care and if they do know, nobodys coming forward, nobody’s saying anything.” Says his mother, Sherri Bonnallie.

Marley Rowe was killed in this parking lot off Sherman Avenue north early in the morning on New Years day 2014. He was shot in the head outside of a party that he was attending with friends. Police questioned a number of people in the aftermath, but made no arrests. Today, they say the main reason for that is a lack of co-operation.

“We’re pretty confident that there’s people who have first hand information, that physically witnessed the murder.”

There were two parties happening at the time of the shooting and police believe a number of people were outside when the shooting took place.

In the days that followed tributes to Marley showed up on social media, but there was a lack of co-operation from those who were there. Police say that the shooting was not random, and while some of Rowes friends were known to police…. “he himself was an innocent victim, and it sounds like he was a good person.”

Information in the case has been so hard to come by that last May Hamilton police offered a $50 000 reward to anybody who could lead them to an arrest but of the many people who were here that night two years ago, still, nothing.