Woman plans to picket play about impact of killer Elizabeth Wettlaufer

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A woman whose father was murdered by serial killer nurse Elizabeth Wettlaufer is upset about a play based on the case’s fallout.

The Blyth Festival Theatre is set to debut a show called In the Wake of Wettlaufer next month.

Wettlaufer is currently serving a life sentence for murdering eight seniors under her care in Southwestern Ontario and attempting to kill six others.

Artistic director and co-playwright Gil Garratt told The Canadian Press the show centres on a fictional family impacted by the case and will not portray Wettlaufer or her crimes.

The show has family members of the former nurse’s victims divided.

One relative says he will be in the audience for opening night on August 9 while another woman says she will be outside picketing.

The woman says the show is reopening wounds from the death of her father, 75-year-old Arpad Horvath.

Garratt says several relatives of Wettlaufer’s victims were interviewed during the production’s development.