Students fill the streets to march for action on climate change

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Students from around the world have taken to the streets to march for action on climate change.

Ten of thousands of Canadian students and adults are taking part in global warming protests in cities across the nation including Ottawa, Hamilton, Toronto, St. Catharines, Halifax, and Montreal.

Students at a university in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador were granted “academic amnesty” for any absences today.

Many protestors across the country are using creative signs to get their point across. In Toronto, several demonstrators hoisted papers that read “One World. One Chance,” while others read “There is no planet B.”

Greta Thunberg, the teenage climate activist who spurred Friday’s global action, spoke at a rally in Montreal to a crowd of roughly 300,000.

Thunberg, who hails from Sweden, says she has been moved to see so many people unite for one common cause.

The 16-year-old started skipping school on Fridays last year to push for action on the issue.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and Green Leader Elizabeth May both attended the Montreal event.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is campaigning on Vancouver Island promoting his party’s plan to safeguard the environment along Canada’s coastlines.

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer and People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier are not taking part in climate marches.

Marches already took place earlier Friday in dozens of countries around the world including in India, the Netherlands, and Italy.

For the video of rallies from the Golden Horseshoe Area and abroad, tune into CHCH Evening News at 6.