Stroller safety

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This week a report out of the U.S. documents that thousands of toddlers were treated in hospitals for stroller related injuries. Turns out, it’s happening here in Canada too. But there are some simple steps you can take to ensure your childs safety.
The last place you want to end up with your child after going out for a walk with the stroller is the emergency room.
“Most of the time it’s just a pump or a scrape but sometimes we do pick up kids who have minor fractures and we just want parents to be very careful.” said Dr. Anthony Crocco from McMaster Children’s Hospital.
To help avoid injuries experts have some simple tips for parents.
“Obviously keep the stroller close to you when you are stopped but to always use the break. What may appear to be a flat surface might have a slight incline and you don’t want the stroller getting away from you at anytime.” said Stephanie Greenway from Snuggle Bugz.
And always buckle your child into the stroller.
“Another thing we always tell the customer is to always use the harness. Doesn’t matter if your child is six months one year, two years, this will prevent your child from standing up and tipping the stroller over.”
Most injuries are caused by the stroller falling or tipping over.
“We do suggest to be mindful when placing items on the handle bar and to use the larger baskets below for anything that may be heavy or big.”
There are all kinds of stroller hooks on the market but experts warn don’t over load the stroller with them. For example, it’s probably too much to have your baby bag and groceries all on one stroller.
“They do go through tip tests but it does not include anything that is hanging off the handle bar.”
Doctors also stress the importance of being aware of your surroundings.
“Sometimes what ends up happening is parents will go over a bump or a curb and if the kid isn’t properly restrained in the stroller out they pop and they injure themselves.”
Parents should also check online for any recalls or alerts. For the website go to