Hamilton woman wins big on The Price Is Right

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Living your dream is one thing, watching it play out on national television on an iconic game show is another. That’s exactly what a Hamilton woman did as she watched herself compete in ‘The Price is Right.’ and not only did she compete, she thrived!

A lifelong Price is Right fan, Marcy Zonta and her husband bought tickets to be a part of ‘The Price is Right’ studio audience in Los Angeles. But to be a contestant on the game show, Marcy knew she had to nail the pre-show audition all spectators take.

Marcy didn’t disappoint. Her fandom paid off as she calmly won a 3-night stay in Santa Barbara, a washer and dryer, purses, a laptop and a fooseball table.

Marcy had quite the haul on the Price is Right but when it came to claiming her prizes, the tax man came calling, and she had to forfeit most of the prizes!

“Most prizes they won’t convert into cash you have to either take it or forfeit and A forfeited the prizes because the conversion from the American to Canadian wasn’t worth it because of the 37% the Government wanted,” says Zonta.

The prizes were worth about $10-thousand U.S. and Marcy could have had to pay about $46-hundred Canadian in taxes. Instead, she was able to trade in portions of her Santa Barbara prize pack for just under $800-Canadian.

But in the end of the day, you can’t put a price on living a dream.