Police warn you to keep your head up when playing Pokemon Go

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Canadians can now download the mobile gaming app “Pokemon Go” after the game officially arrived in Canada on Sunday. The free app, taking the world by storm, has its users venture out to ‘find’ digital creatures known as “Pokemon”, who appear on the screen of their phone in real-time locations. Since it’s inception in the U.S., many people have become obsessed with playing the fun game, but it has also game raised some concerns, mainly about safety.
Some players have reportedly walked into traffic and are not paying attention to where they’re going while searching for the creatures. In California, two men walked off a cliff’s edge while playing with the app. The men, both in their 20s, are expected to survive.
The app also sparked outrage, after the mythical digital creatures appeared at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., the Arlington National Cemetary in Virginia and the Auschwitz Memorial and Museum in Warsaw, Poland.
Closer to home, a Burlington mother, whose toddler died in 2004, is calling for changes to the game after she became aware that her son’s memorial is a “PokeStop” in the game; a virtual place in the game that allows users to collect ‘items’.
The app has created such a stir, that Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne addressed the issue of safety during a recent news conference saying, “It’s fun, it’s a craze. We need to just be careful in terms of distraction.” Wynne went on to say, “I think we just need to recognize that there is a bit of a risk associated with that type of behaviour, and we need to pay attention to that.”
So far, there have been no reported instances of people injuring themselves while playing with the app in the Hamilton area, but authorities are advising gamers to be aware of their surroundings, and to always look where you are going.