OPP point to four driving infractions to avoid over Labour Day weekend

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Throughout the long weekend, there will be an increased presence of OPP patrols looking for drivers breaking “the big four.”

Distracted driving, impaired driving, aggressive driving and not wearing a seatbelt — otherwise known as the “big four” — are the most prominently broken rules of the road, and not following them can have dire consequences.

In 2024, there have been 227 fatalities on roadways patrolled by OPP. Of those deaths, 21 of them were pedestrians and six of them involved cyclists.

OPP say many of the deaths it has observed could have been avoided and are asking drivers to abide by the rules.

The fine for not wearing a seatbelt can range between $200 and $1000 and can result in two demerit points on your driving record.

The penalty for distracted driving is worse, with a fine of up to $1000, three demerit points and the possibility of a three-day driving suspension.

Driving while impaired, whether it’s alcohol, cannabis, over-the-counter drugs or other illegal substances, can land you in jail.

Any driver caught with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) over 0.08 is illegal. For drivers 21 and under, or new drivers without a graduated license (G1, G1, M1 or M2) that level is zero. The same applies for commercial drivers (A-F) or anyone operating a vehicle with that is commercial registered (CVOR).

Planning ahead, using public transit, calling a friend or family member for a ride, using a ride-share or taxi are all viable alternatives. Avoid putting your life and others at risk.

READ MORE: OPP offer $50K reward to help solve fatal 2023 hit and run