Ontario Election: Liberal and NDP Leaders pledging to revisit model for licensing cannabis stores

New Democrat Leader Andrea Horwath and Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner were both isolating and campaigning virtually today as they recover from COVID-19. No word on when they’ll be back on the campaign trail.
Liberal and NDP Leaders were attacking Doug Ford over cannabis stores and are concerned that too many stores may be clustered in some places, like downtown Hamilton.
“It is one of the side effects of the way the Ford conservatives dealt with distribution of legalized cannabis. It’s not good enough,” Del Duca said.
Ford says the market is going to fix the overpopulation of pot shops, “there’s no way you can cluster any type of business beside each other. It’s like putting six convenience stores together. There might be two that will survive,” Ford said.
A new poll shows the NDP catching up to tie the Liberals in support if an election were held today.
Andrea Horwath met virtually with nurses and promised to hire 30,000 nurses for the province’s health care system if elected.
“Fifteen years of the Liberal government broke health care. They froze hospital budgets, they cut hospital budgets. They fired nurses, and Doug Ford is doing the exact same thing,” Horwath said.
Richard Lyall of the Residential Construction Council of Ontario praised Ford for his work in the land development industry. “The builders we represent across Ontario appreciate the work you and your ministers are doing and the actions you have taken to dramatically boost housing in Ontario,” Lyall said.
Ford promised to cut red tape so more houses can be built, “we’ll stop at nothing to address the housing crisis in Ontario,” Ford said.
Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner says that’s the problem, “Doug Ford’s anti-climate pro sprawl agenda is paving over the farmland that feeds us, putting everyone’s food security at risk and threatening the $50 billion food and farming sector.”
CHCH News will have extensive coverage of the Ontario election on June 2nd.