Online petition to release ‘Rocky’ from Lincoln County Humane Society

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A 10-year-old dog named Rocky is currently being held at the Lincoln County Humane Society because it reportedly bit a city councilor who was campaigning at the time in early October.

An online petition has started to have the dog released and possibly save it from being put down. Over 10,000 people have signed the online petition titled Please Help Save Rocky’s Life.

Rocky is an American Alsatian dog. Rocky was taken to the Humane Society after St. Catharine’s city councilor Joe Kushner says he was bitten and attacked by the dog while campaigning back in early October.

“Rocky bit a person in three separate places, our investigation revealed that it had previously bit a child. We felt it was in the best interest of the public to not to have Rocky in the community while we investigated this attack,” Kevin Strooband from the humane society said.

While the humane society says Rocky has a history of biting, the dog’s owner disagrees and says the public has nothing to worry about.

Rocky’s owners will appear in Provincial Offences Court on Tuesday to face the Dog Owners Liability Act.

“A Justice of the Peace could have better controls put on the dog like muzzling or fencing but the Justice of the Peace could also order the dog to be euthanized,” Strooband said.

The humane society says the case will probably be dragged into the new year and it could take a year for a decision to be made. During that time Rocky will stay locked up.

CHCH News spoke with councilor Joe Kushner today but didn’t want to do an interview because the case is before the courts.

“Unfortunately, we are being vilified because of this petition, but it’s important for people to know we are protecting the community and Rocky is being cared for while in our facility,” Strooband said.

Rocky’s owner says, “I need to give Rocky a voice, he has to have a side.”