Home Video Releases // March 29

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Did you miss Quentin Tarantino’s exclusive Hateful Eight roadshow when it crossed the country last year? Now you can replicate the experience (somewhat) in your own home. Here’s what’s dropping on home video this week.

The Hateful Eight

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The Hateful Eight hits blu-ray and DVD this week and brings with it the incredible visuals and Oscar-winning score that graced screens late last year. The release is pretty light on special features though, which is surprising for such a uniquely shot film. Only two featurettes are included: “Beyond the Eight: A Behind the Scenes Look” and “Sam Jackson’s Guide to Glorious 70mm”.


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Sony is releasing this Will Smith starring film on their new 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray this week, which marks the first time a new feature is using the new format. However, unless you own a 4K television surround sound system, you won’t be able to notice a difference. The film comes with audio commentary from director Peter Landesman, nine deleted scenes, and two featurettes: “Crafting Concussion” and “Inside the True Story”.

Point Break

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Fans of stunt sequences and extreme sports will probably enjoy Point Break, and the blu-ray release captures the daring feats in extremely high quality. But aside from these set pieces, the film is so hollow that you wonder why they attempted the remake at all. A 9% on Rotten Tomatoes and a $27.8-million box office haul are all the evidence you need to determine the quality of this film. The home video release features four deleted scenes and behind the scene looks at each of the film’s stunt sequences.

Also available:
All Roads Lead to Rome
Cartel Land