Hamilton Remembrance Day Garrison Parade honours those who served

A parade of Hamilton area veterans, garrison units, and cadets marched through downtown Hamilton Saturday morning.
The parade started at the armouries on James Street and headed to King Street. People gathered along the street to pay their respects.
The service after the parade was held at Veteran’s Place at Gore Park on King Street East.
Ed Sculthorpe, who served for 22 years in the Canadian Army and is the Vice Chairman of the Hamilton Veterans Committee.
“Our relatively young country went through its first hundred years of existence in a very highly volatile world and approximately a million Canadians gave their lives to provide us with the freedoms that we enjoy today.”
READ MORE: Lest we forget: Remembrance Day ceremonies in Hamilton
After the ceremony, some people took their poppies off and laid them on the hundred-year-old Gore Park Cenotaph to pay their respects.
Gore Park Cenotaph commemorates the dead who sacrificed their lives during the First World War.
Sculthorpe says he wants everyone to remember that November 11th is a time for reflection and appreciation of Canadians who sacrificed their lives for peace and freedom.
“All we ever really ask for is two minutes of silence a year.”