Halton police search for marijuana plants

Halton police are on a search for marijuana plants. Officers were using a drone Wednesday to find hundreds of marijuana plants, growing outdoors, as part of their marijuana eradication program. They have been searching a total of fourteen locations in Burlington, Oakville and Halton Hills. So far, they’ve seized plants from north end areas of Milton and Halton Hills, but none in Oakville.
Halton Police Chief Stephen Tanner: “Our drug officers are estimating around a thousand plants. Each plant is worth about a thousand dollars. Which is about a million dollars street value. For marijuana, you get about 6 ounces of marijuana off a typical plant. So that’s what the officers will be doing here today. And they certainly have some which has already been seized.”
Police say the program is just one of many they are engaging in to ensure drugs are off the streets in Halton.