Experts warn drivers to be careful on eclipse day

Researchers from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto are warning drivers to beware in the hours before and after the big solar eclipse on Apr. 8.
During the last major eclipse in 2017, cities in the United States experienced a surge in traffic collisions in the hours next to the event.
“Thirty-one per cent increase in fatal motor vehicle crashes. About 42 extra total fatalities attributed to the eclipse. Interestingly enough not at the moment of totality but in the hours before and, especially in the hours after the eclipse,” said Dr. Don Redelmeier a physician and Researcher at the Sunnybrook Hospital.
READ MORE: Where to view the 2024 total solar eclipse in Hamilton, Niagara and surrounding areas
“I think that it has nothing to with the darkness and the temporary change in surrounding light, it has got a lot to do with the increased amount of traffic going on, it is similar to the amount of fatalities we see around Thanksgiving,” said Dr. Redelmeier
The researchers have passed on their warning to the Ministry of Transportation and say the ministry has told them there will be extra messaging around driver safety along Ontario highways on the day of the eclipse.