Donations of medical supplies for Ukraine have decreased

Dr. Marta Januszaniec helps get supplies into Warsaw Poland and then into Ukraine, some of those supplies come from our region. She says the initial tidal wave of support from the international community, is slowing to a ripple.
After more than 100 days of fighting, many of us have become used to seeing images of heartbreak and horror from the war zone in Ukraine. Januszaniec says that people hear so much about the war that they’ve become used to it, and consequently are paying less attention.
Januszaniec says demand from hospitals and doctors in Ukraine exceeds what she can source. She is trying to attract more support from people around the world including right here in our region.
Over the past weeks, she has received donations from several Niagara non-profits who have sent their items.
The donations are not just for those wounded in the fighting, Januszaniec says those with chronic illnesses are in need of medications and treatment they would have access to if not for the war.
Warsaw is a major waypoint for aid arriving from Europe and overseas, on its way into Ukraine. More than three million Ukrainians have crossed into Poland and the Polish people have offered support since the war began.