Doctors stage rallies across the country in protest of gun laws

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Doctors staged rallies across the country in favour of stronger gun laws. Gun owners say the government should focus on illegal firearms brought across the US border.

Doctor Koff is part of the nation wide movement of doctors calling for the government to pass bill C-71, an overhaul of gun control. Canadian doctors held events in Toronto and 4 other cities across the country calling for action including a ban on handguns.

The spokesperson for Silverdale gun range in Smithville says they don’t want to see people on the street getting shot but feel as though they’re being punished. If passed, bill C-71 would overhaul the background check system, create new record-keeping requirements for retailers and place further restrictions on transporting a gun.

The senate committee on national security and defense held it’s final day of testimony on bill C-71. Among other changes, the legislation would eliminate a five-year limit on background checks for people applying for a gun licence.

This bill does not include an outright ban on private ownership.