Bosma Day 41

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The girlfriend of one of the accused in the Tim Bosma murder trial was back on the stand today. Marlena Meneses testified that she thought she was pregnant with Mark Smich’s baby when the couple was arrested in connection with Bosma’s murder. The jury heard that and other stunning details, as Smich and his former friend, Dellen Millard stand trial for first degree murder.

Meneses told the jury last week that Mark Smich wasn’t the best to her and today more details. He hit her, called her names and made her sell marijuana to others after it had been weighed on a rigged scale. He made her work and support him and he tried to convince her to become a stripper. Meneses wept at those admissions, but she testified she tried to protect Smich when he was first arrested.

The jury has seen video of Meneses getting picked up by Smich and Millard the morning after Tim Bosma disappeared. She said the two accused were very happy, she knew they had stolen a truck. After Millard was arrested on May 10, Meneses started seeing news about Tim Bosma and asking Smich about what he knew. Smich told her Millard shot Bosma.

A week after Millard’s arrest, Smich’s sister got married. Millard’s lawyer’s voice rose as he asked about how happy she looked in photos with her boyfriend and with his mother, even though she knew he was involved in Tim Bosma’s murder. Meneses admitted she had fun at the wedding, she partied and drank. She even texted her sister
“our wedding is next”.

Smich and Meneses were arrested together on their way to his mother’s house in Oakville, but she was never charged. She taped a statement for her boyfriend, telling him she was getting a pregnancy test and I’m sorry your stupid friend got you into this.

Today Meneses was shown a photo of a gun that the jury has seen before. She didn’t know Smich had a gun, but she said Mark Smich is the man in this photo, no question. Millard’s lawyer got her to admit she didn’t really want to know more about Tim Bosma, because she loved Mark Smich and she didn’t want the future she envisioned with him to collapse.