Beamsville has waste lagoons
In the town of Lincoln, people are concerned about the transport and storage of treated human waste. A Brantford company wants to store tons of human waste in three lagoons on a 35 acre property on Frost Road near Young. The lagoons can hold up to 190 thousand cubic meters of material. Nearby residents are outraged. They say up to 80 trucks a day will be transporting biosolids in and out of the property. The biosolids would be used as agricultural fertilizer. But residents are concerned about noisy trucks, water contamination, odours and potential spills.
Sandra Easton is opposed to the waste lagoons: “It causes lung problems and for people who have chronic lung problems, it can be made worse. Those are probably the most dramatic — people have died from it. And there were case studies that were presented on Monday night about deaths in the United States about a young boy in Canada who drove through the spill on the road and died of respiratory ailment after just being exposed to it and taking it in.”
For the project to move forward the town of Lincoln would have to re-zone the property. But there’s no timeline on when a vote on re-zoning would take place.