WW2 Lancaster pilot passes away at age of 94

Of the more than a million Canadians who served in WWII, there are only about 61,000 still alive today. One of those men died yesterday, but not before living an incredible 94 years.
Derrick Wyeld was a pilot for the Royal Air Force. He started on smaller planes and by the end of the war was aiming bombs in a Lancaster. On one of his missions, they dropped propaganda leaflets over occupied France, but were hit.
“They all bailed out but as they did the captain didn’t have his parachute, my dad ran to the back of the plane to get him a chute and just got back to him in time and my dad was the last one out.” Mike Wyeld.
After the war Derrick married Joyce and moved to Canada in 1952 where he worked for the TTC. His son says he was the last remaining RAF Lancaster bomb aimer alive.
Derrick Wyeld died Wednesday from cancer, he was 94 years old. His family says he died peacefully in hospital.