Southern Ontario still under extreme heat warning

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Southern Ontario is under an extreme heat warning with humidex values skyrocketing to 43 degrees.

Environment Canada says temperatures will remain high through the week warning people to stay cool.

The splash pads and pools are busy while the basketball and tennis courts sit empty. Some brave enough to head out on their bikes for others it’s too hot to do much.

Opting to sit in the shade with a good book or spending the day right here in the water even mother nature, with a quick burst of rain couldn’t cool things down today. If you work outside there’s not much you can do to escape the heat.

Make sure to stay cool and hydrated.

The Salvation Army was out at Gore Park handing out bottles of water reminding people to heed the warnings and protect themselves, and police have already received a number of calls including one on Appleby Line and Upper Middle Road in Burlington where they rescued a dog from a hot car where the temperature was 66 degrees.