Review // Table 19

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Table 19 has the misfortune of not being a definable movie. Caught somewhere between comedy, coming of age and millennial romance, the film lacks clarity in both genre and tone. The marketing campaign didn’t help set things straight either, a creative attempt to promote the film as a comedy despite all the funny parts being in the trailer. I enjoyed the Instagram accounts for the guests seated at Table 19 but they only reinforced the one-dimensionality of the lead characters; the pot smoking nanny (June Squibb), the unhappily married couple (Lisa Kudrow & Craig Robinson), the white collar crook (Stephen Merchant), the clueless pubescent (Tony Revolori) and the recently dumped former maid-of-honour (Anna Kendrick). While I wasn’t overly impressed with it as a film, I still liked it. It was able to capture a meanness I found captivating.

At first glance Table 19 is plagued with a fairly unimaginative plot; a group of misfits come together at a wedding none of them really should’ve attended in order to help each other with very personal issues (despite being strangers) and grow as friends and people as a result. While the characters might not be fully formed they are far from one dimensional, and they each get a chance to vent their frustrations with the world. Like real life, not all problems can be solved, and the group learns there aren’t easy answers for most of life’s problems but sometimes it’s nice to get unsolicited advice from a group of strangers. Written by Jay & Mark Duplass, the script isn’t just a carbon copy of The Breakfast Club (1985). It’s an exploration of love and life and how sometimes they both suck. Yes, the beautiful scorned pixie-sized lead lands her man by the end of the film – but who her prince charming is might surprise you. And what’s more interesting is that he isn’t prince charming at all. He’s deeply flawed, but then again, so is she.

Everything about this film is average including the acting, the plot, the design, and the soundtrack. But through that mediocrity was a shining honesty – it just had to fight to be noticed over the goofy wedding rom-com staples like dancing in an empty room, cake fights and teary-eyed confessions of love. Table 19 is not a romantic comedy or a coming of age film, but it is a fresh take on those models that have made us complacent movie goers. It’s the harsh truth that sometimes feeling unwanted, unloved and unnoticed is warranted because you are. We know life isn’t perfect – maybe we should stop expecting our fantasies to be.

Reviewed by Vithiya Murugadas.