Norfolk General Hospital to start phased resumption of Labour and Delivery services

Norfolk General Hospital announced it will begin a gradual resumption of labour and delivery services.
The hospital says it will take a phased approach, with the first phase including the opening of a Maternal Clinic on July 18, 2022, which will offer prenatal care for women during pregnancy. The hospital says the clinic will be open three days a week and will offer services such as Rhogam injections, weight checks, bilirubin and nonstress tests to evaluate a baby’s health before birth.
“It is our goal and expectation to be fully open to inpatient labour and delivery services by Tuesday, September 6, 2022. If earlier resumption of services is possible it will be announced,” the hospital said in a statement.
The hospital says its number one focus at this time is to bring back obstetrical services. In September, 2021, the hospital made the decision to temporarily transition obstetrical care to the Brant Community Health Care System due in part to a nursing shortage.