High-profile Toronto sports doctor found guilty of professional misconduct

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A high-profile Toronto sports doctor has been found guilty of professional misconduct by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

On July 6, 2011, Dr. Anthony Galea pleaded guilty and was convicted in the United States for “introducing misbranded drugs into interstate commerce with intent to mislead an Agency” according to the College’s website.

At the time Galea’s laywer, Brian Greenspan, said: “Regrettably in providing these services in the United States, he brought with him medications which although routinely used in Canada, and elsewhere in the world, did not bear the Rx symbol or directions in the English language, which are required by American regulation.”

Galea, who was not licensed to practice anywhere in the United States, traveled from Canada to the U.S on numerous occasions, often treating professional athletes in the NFL and MLB.

Sometimes Galea was accompanied by an employee from the medical practice he operated in Etobicoke known as the Institute of Sports Medicine Health and Wellness Centre. When Galea and the employee traveled separately, the employee carried medical supplies based on instructions provided by Galea.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons said on their webiste, “Dr. Galea and the employee understood that if she was asked by U.S. border officers about the purpose for her entry into the United States with the medical supplies, she would respond that she was attending a medical conference where Dr. Galea would speak and demonstrate the use of medical supplies.”

However, the majority of the trips they made to the U.S were for the sole purpose of treating Galea’s patients.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario says that a penalty hearing has been scheduled for Galea.