Drive-through weddings offered at Niagara Falls

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Weddings can be stressful and costly, but one Niagara Falls chapel is hoping to change that.

They offer drive-through weddings.

When all was said and done, the wedding takes about 10 minutes.

Elope Niagara’s Little Log Wedding Chapel says it has already done 25 of these weddings so far and is booked right through until the fall.

This is far from a traditional wedding.

Before the wedding can be official, couples need to bring their marriage licence with them.

The owners of Elope Niagara’s Little Log Wedding Chapel have done 24 marriages like this so far.

Kim Cartmell, co-owner of the chapel, says the idea started when couples asked if they could do their paperwork from their cars.

The wedding package costs $295.

While it is a drive through, you simply cannot pull up to the kiosk.

Couples that are interested must book online.