
City of Hamilton issues injunction order against downtown Club 33
The City of Hamilton has issued an urgent injunction order…

Ontario Superior court grants injunction to end the Ambassador Bridge blockade
The Ontario Superior court has granted an injunction to end…

The court orders a permanent injunction against occupiers of a Caledonia housing development
It’s business as usual for the Six Nations people occupying…

UPDATE: Argyle St. reopens after road blockade in response to attempted arrest
Ontario Provincial Police say Argyle St. is open again, after…

City of Hamilton is weighing options where the homeless should live
Hamilton is wrestling with the issue of where the homeless…

Arrests at pipeline protest

Protestors refusing to leave Enbridge site despite injunction
(Video updated) A group of protestors opposed to a plan…
Occupy Toronto case in court
In the wake of yesterday’s clashes between Occupy Wall Street…
Judge lowers boom on lift bridge pickets
Hamilton steel workers lost a battle in court Thursday. A…
Port seeks injunction to kick pickets off lift bridge
The attorney general has approved an application by the Hamilton…