Tips and tricks to install peel and stick wallpaper

Not all wallpaper has to be glued. Peel and stick wallpaper is easy to install on basically anything in your home.
Wallpaper designer and installer Katie Hunt showed us that you can change the look of a closet door, accent wall or even a piece of furniture with wallpaper.
And to make things easier, a new product called E-Z Hang Helper Spray makes sure you can line up the wallpaper perfectly. The glue like spray allows wallpaper to slide, making it easier to move and match up if you are doing a whole wall. It also allows you to easily get out the air bubbles.
Katie also shared that peel and stick wallpaper is great to use in rental units because when you want to take the wallpaper down there is no damage to the wall.
Currently the E-Z Hang Helper Spray is available on Amazon and all the wallpaper is available through Wallpops or Home Depot.