Thousands plan to attend Port Dover for this week’s Friday the 13th

Thousands of people are planning to go to Port Dover Friday for an event that started back in the 80s recurring every Friday the 13th.
No matter what month or season, the port in Norfolk County hosts closes up Main and Nelson Streets and throws a big celebration drawing many motorcyclists from across the province to attend.
“We’ve seen anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 people attend the event,” says Norfolk County Mayor Amy Martin.
The event has grown into a two-day meet up with bands and vendors and performances beginning at 11 a.m.
Police and city officials remind travellers and attendees to prioritize safe driving, especially with higher traffic volume to be expected on the roads.
There were two Friday the 13ths in 2023, and after this week’s celebration there will be another Friday the 13th in December.
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