Heat warnings continue across southern Ontario, around the world

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Environment Canada has issued a heat alert for 28 regions across southern Ontario, warning of hot and humid conditions, feeling like 40 degrees celsius in some areas including Hamilton, Halton, and Niagara.

The hot weather is also hitting Europe, as the United Kingdom records its highest temperature in history.

Experts say the intense heat is another example of how climate change is impacting our planet.

In Hamilton the medical officer of health issued a heat warning, triggering the opening up of cooling rooms and making open swims at pools free.

Altaf Arain is the Director of the McMaster Centre for Climate Change and he says today’s heat is an example of climate change intensifying hot weather events and that trend is forecast to continue.

“We’ll have more intense heat waves, more longer durations of the heat waves,” Arain said.

These heat waves cause strain on the power grid and infrastructure, but also cost lives and exacerbate health problems.

In Europe, much fewer people have air conditioning and in Portugal, the high temperatures have resulted in more than 1,000 deaths.

Temperatures are hitting the 40s in parts of Europe like Germany, France, and the U.K. Britain recorded its highest temperature ever, 40.3 degrees in Eastern England.

The hot weather in Europe has triggered wildfires from Portugal to the Balkans and has warped roads and airport tarmacs.

The United Nations has said the European heat wave should be a wake-up call for the world to do more to fight climate change.