Hamilton Health Sciences temporarily closing West End Urgent Care Clinic

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Hamilton Health Sciences is temporarily closing the West End Urgent Care Clinic starting Monday.

The move is aimed ensuring they have the capacity and staff needed for critical care.

HHS says it has been winding down scheduled and non-emergency surgeries on the direction of the province.

READ MORE: Ontario hospitals to ramp down elective surgeries amid increasing COVID-19 hospitalizations

It’s also temporarily closed the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital operating rooms and reducing Regional Rehabilitation Centre capacity by 50 per cent over the next week.

“These measures, while unwelcome by all of us, are necessary to respond to this third and most severe wave of the pandemic,” said a Hamilton Health Sciences news release.

“To-date, approximately 40 staff have been redeployed to help care for those during the third wave.”

It says its current HHS ICU capacity is at 94 per cent, with 102 of 108 beds occupied.