Hamilton black and gold day

Ticat mania is in full swing, as we draw closer to kick off between the Ticats and Calgary Stampeders in the 102nd Grey Cup.
Hamilton mayor Bob Bratina declared Friday Black and Gold day, in one of his last official acts.
We roamed cat-country to see how people are celebrating the day.
It’s fitting that declaring Friday black and gold day was one of mayor Bob Bratina’s last motions before his mayoralship is done. He’s a broadcaster just like us. He did play-by-play for about 500 Ticat and Argo games. He was at the rally earlier this week and he’s among many who were decked out in Cats colours.
The Ticats’ official store has quickly become a must-go place in the city before Sunday’s huge game.
Dan: “Got my gear here, that’s my sweatshirt, it’s happening.”
You could feel the championship fever with everyone showing their team spirit on ‘black and gold day’. But with Tim Horton’s Field literally in their backyard, students at prince of wales elementary didn’t need an excuse to cheer on their team.
Michelle Pickett-Hershey: “On occasion as the players are leaving, they’ll wave to the kids and do stuff so there is a connection there between us and the team.”
“Going to be a big deal. Me and my family get together and have a big family meeting for this and watch the game together. Our parents are going to be screaming and screaming and screaming because there are going to be a lot of people at our house.”
The support for the Ticats isn’t only in Hamilton. Take a look at this pep rally at a school in St. Catharines. They’re going crazy! And it’s only Friday!
This elaborate rally was organized by grade seven teacher and long-time Ticat and CFL fan Kevin Paxton: “I just hope they gain an appreciation of their Canadian culture and it’s all about building school spirit. And if the Ticats can help build school spirit, all the better.”
Of course, you couldn’t have a Grey Cup party without fans of both teams.
“We decided to add a little Calgary flair for his hometown presentation.”
But don’t worry, he was properly dealt with.
On this black and gold day, it didn’t matter if you were from Hamilton, Niagara or beyond, you were most likely cheering this at some point.
If you are not like anybody in the report, the Jarvis Street store will be open throughout the weekend. So get out there and show you’re black and gold pride.