City of Hamilton offers free parking downtown

The City of Hamilton is offering free parking in certain areas of the city throughout the month of December.
Dome inserts and signage on parking meter bags will be used to indicate where drivers can park for free.
Residents and visitors can take advantage of free parking in the following business improvement areas:
On-street parking is free from until December 31, 2016 and limited to two hours in the:
Concession Street BIA
Locke Street BIA
Westdale Village BIA
On-street parking is free from until December 24, 2016 and limited to two hours in these areas:
Ancaster BIA
Barton Village BIA
Hamilton Downtown (Wellington to Queen, Hunter to Cannon, also James Street from Charlton to Barton)
International Village BIA
King Street West BIA
Ottawa Street BIA
Municipal parking lots will offer free parking until December 31, 2016 in the:
Dundas BIA