royal canadian navy

Canada’s most ‘fighting-est’ ship rings in 81st anniversary: HMCS Haida
Canada’s most “fighting-est” ship is ringing in her 81st birthday…

Operation Caribbe
[projekktor id=’25182′] Earlier this spring, a Hamilton sailor – on…
Weather forecasting on a war ship
Nicola finds out about the role meterologists play on a…
Young sailors
Young sailors reflect on serving aboard HMCS Ville de Quebec.
Putting the ‘Royal’ back in the Canadian Navy
Bob speaks to Slt Patricia Corbeil about some of the…
Life at sea
Petty Officer 1st Class Andre Normand talks to Lesley about…
Espirit de corps
How they keep morale up on long voyages aboard HMCS…
Hamilton’s own
Bob speaks to three seamen from Hamilton serving on board…
9th deployment
Lesley talks to PO2 Stephan Belanger and Leading Seaman Ryan…
HMCS Ville de Quebec command team
Bob gets some insight on the command structure on board…
The role of the Royal Canadian Navy
John Thompson of the Mackenzie Institute talks about the Royal…
Their Duty, Our Pride
Jean Miso joins Lesley on board HMCS Ville de Quebec…