Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Canadian National Vimy Memorial highlights
[projekktor id=’27663′] For the 100th anniversary of the Battle of…

Trump and Trudeau meet
[projekktor id=’27056′] Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had his first face-to-face…

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shuffles cabinet
[projekktor id=’26662′] Fourteen months ago Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says…

Justin Trudeau travels to Brussels to sign Canada-EU trade deal, Sunday.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leaves for Brussels, Saturday night, in…

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visits Hamilton and region
[projekktor id=’25802′] Prime Minister Trudeau made several stops in our…

Pride Parade
[projekktor id=’24637′] Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was front-and-centre at the…

Attawapiskat declares a state of emergency after 11 suicide attempts in one night
[projekktor id=’23718′] There were 11 suicide attempts in just one…

Trudeau’s first 100 days
[projekktor id=’23098′] It’s now been 100 days since Prime Minister…