minority government

The Trudeau Liberals hold on to power with a minority government
Canadians across the country went to the polls and gave…

Horwath stops by CHCH
Premier Kathleen Wynne says her Liberal government will not raise…

Liberal budget passes
Recently established Premier Kathleen Wynne breathed a sigh of relief…

Heated exchange during question period
Earlier Tuesday at Queen’s Park, the Premier was under attack…

Hudak on NDP support for Liberal budget
PC leader Tim Hudak criticized

Horwath: we won’t bring down Wynne gov’t
Wynne meets with Horwath on gov’t survival
After a face to face meeting between premier Kathleen Wynne…
NDP makes new demands for budget support
Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath has announced her latest demand…
Wynne adopts NDP auto insurance motion
The Liberals will vote for an NDP motion calling for…
Horwath gives Wynne budget wish list
NDP leader Andrea Horwath has met with Premier Kathleen Wynne…
Wynne not expected to be thrown out over throne speech
It looks like the first throne speech of the Kathleen…
McGuinty threatening election over budget impasse
People in Ontario could be heading to the polls this…

Liberals angry at opposition
We may be heading back to the polls in Ontario…
Turbulence expected from get-go at Queen’s Park
We could be in for some fireworks in the coming…
MPPs return Nov 21st
The first order of business: elect a new speaker. Four…
Commotion over Klees not dying down
The buzz continues at Queen’s Park over who will be…
Hudak ‘disappointed’ by Klees’ speaker bid
The opposition may inadvertently help out Ontario’s Liberal government by…
McGuinty promises smaller cabinet; Hudak says it’d better be
Dalton McGuinty held his first cabinet meeting since the election…
McGuinty’s survival hinges on Horwath
NDP leader Andrea Horwath is not making any suggestions that…
Your Home, Your Vote: looking at a minority government
One week from tonight, Ontario could have a new premier.…